last period is on 7 of march when i my to do pregnancy test
IfeomaApr 07, 2018
How many days can ovulation last
Sue:Had ewcm on the 27 the 28 of this month and having sex could i concieved this week- (Aug 31, 2018)
SueAug 31, 2018
Had egg raw white discharge on 27/28 and having sex from that day could i get pregnant
SayoOct 01, 2018
I just finished my menstruation yesterday can I be pregnant soon
IbrahimOct 15, 2018
I was expecting my menses on 13th of October and already having cramps but didn't show up till today, 15th, what could be the reason for the earlier cramps because I haven't had such before? Am planning to get pregnant!
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